(unedited except for a few typos)
It is raining season in Myanmar. Shan State will be the front line to take the typhoon after it comes through South China, Vietnam, and Laos. The rain is heavy in the area. Malaria and Dengi fever is spreading in this season. Thanks to the Lord that the children and the dorm parents are fine. Keep praying for them; they are only half way of monsoon season. The lower Myanmar are suffering with too much rain right now.
The Children at Hteebaw House of Hope are taking exam this week. Please pray for them. There are some non-Christian children in our hostel. We are teaching the gospel to them. We hope they will make their decision for baptism soon. We are very encouraged how much they have learned and grew in Biblical knowledge. There is one kid who did not grow up in Christian community, but he is the most excited one. Praise to the Lord that this House of Hope continue to be Jesus’ instrument to give hope to the hopeless people.
Brother Joseph Gwa, as soon as he got well from his sickness. He made a trip to China border to pickup used clothes donated by Christians in China. Besides clothes they received 10 bags of 100 pounds of potatoes for the children. Jesus changed the heart of people; from receivers to givers. Their poverty does not stop generosity. These brothers on the border of China want to help the House of Hope at Myitkyina when the needs show up. They had no money but they gave what they had. Praise to the Lord for their love in Jesus.