From Ahtapa on January 7, 2020
(Minimally edited by Jay)
Jesus said,”35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Mathew 25: 35-36
After hearing the story of the three brothers stuck under the ruined house after the big hailstorm in Hteebaw, Shan State in Myanmar. I think of this passage of the scriptures. The three brothers were children of poor evangelist. They did not have electricity in their house so they walk to neighbor’s house that had the light. While they were reading and doing homework. It was about 9.00 pm. The strong wind and hail storm hit house and the trees around the house. One tree fell on the house where they were reading. They were so cold and so scared. The boys called for the parents. The whole area was blackout and all were in stunt of what was happening. No one know what was happening to the rest of the people. All the communication line was cut off.
I called from Thailand to check it out and brother Barak Wayasha started going out and visit all the Christians around the House of Hope. He found the bad mangle of houses and the people who were soak wet. 28 houses were affected and 12 of them were damaged badly. They need help. They did not ask for food or anything else but they ask for simple things – Roof: Tin roof sheets, roof nails, roof vent, transportation. To help these poor brother to fix and get their new roofs it will cost $3,701.00. Please pray for them. We thank God that nobody got injured badly or killed. Except that they all were so scared. Everything in the house were soak wet. Please help out with the brothers and sisters in Christ.
Praise the Lord for the successful trip to villages in the Golden Triangle. I was able to visit the group Hmong people in the Golden Triangle area. They live in fear. They have gone through bad trauma of life. They escaped from Vietnam and through Laos now they are in Myanmar. In Vietnam many Christians are persecuted. They were very happy to see some one that could speak to them in their own heart language. I was able to bring them clothes which were donated by the Avoda Foundation. I was able to give them 50 copies of Hmong Bible study lessons that will help them grow strong in their faith. The books are donated by Southeast Asia Christian Services which started by LaVern Morse and early American Missionaries to Thailand. I was able to have a good fellowship and worship time with them.
The local Ahkha Christians are helping them. The preacher graduated from our Christian Church Bible Institute in the town of Golden Triangle. Ahsui is his name. His wife is Ahna. She is Lisu. Both of them are working together to help them through a translator. A little Hmong boy is their translator that understand Burmese.
There are few Hmong kids going to school in the town of Mong Yawng. We hope to have school for the Hmong children there. There are about one hundred children that need school. They certainly trauma healing through prayers and Christian love. None of them have the citizenship of Myanmar. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Thank to the Avoda Foundation. They have sent good clothes for the needy people.
In Myanmar. We were able to give to three different areas: 1. To the Hmong Christians. 2. To the Lisu Christians in Mong Ping area. There are seven Churches that our evangelists are working. With the Lord’s guidance and help our team has built four Church buildings out of seven Churches now. They have led three shamans to the Lord. The shaman is the one who serves as mediator between men and spirits. He also is possessed by Spirit when he called the spirit. Praise the Lord that the Gospel is powerful to overcome the power of spirits and led them to Christ. Now they became the strong army of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We also were able to purchase 7 good warm blankets for the people in Mongping area. Five package of Clothes are in Kachin and ready to go on to the people in the foot hill of Himalayan in Khonglaphu area. Where it is very far and very cold. Two days walk after the end of the road. I met a couple from Khong Laphu back in October 2019. The two had to walk to China and took the bus for two days to get back to the Burma border and then came on a truck to the town of Myitkyina. There is no road available to go directly from the capital city of Kachin state to their home village. The wife was very sick and now she is back in her home village. The Lord is good to her and spared her life. She was in a bad shape when I saw her and pray for her. Her face was very pale . Due to her sickness and malnutrition. Children and old people are in very difficult life condition there. They cannot stand the cold. Please pray for them.
I was able to visit and see my own eye of the village at Three Hills village. Where we helped to build the house for the evangelist. It was a bamboo house. with a dirt floor. The evangelist and his wife take a good care of the house. To keep the dirt floor clean and nice takes a lot of effort. It proves that they are hard workers. The church building is also nice. The village is right on the main highway between Kengtung and Taungyi. The two major town of Shan State, Myanmar.
God has the purpose for them to be there. To reach out many to more people of Myanmar with the Gospel. The call from the Macedonian. Like the apostle Paul was called by his vision. I was challenged to go back to Burma to teach Naga Tribe in the western Myanmar and to the Lisu in foot hill of Himalaya. No outside Missionary has been there since the missionaries were ordered to leave Myanmar. They are hungry for the Words of God, they need love, and they need Christian witnessing. They need to know that there are brothers and sisters in Christ that care for them. I would like to bring them blankets for the cold weather in high mountains and the lights that generate by solar panel.
Those new Christians need to be nurtured and the leaders need the training. I plan to go for 30 days in April. Please pray for me and them, and that Lord will supply the funds for the trip. Pray for my health as I am working on my weight loss. So far my weight has dropped down to two digits. 90.1 kilograms (198.22 pounds). I used to weight 115.00 kgs. Back in September2019 (253 pounds). I praise God for His help and the aim that I have. I have at least three major trips to do in the year of 2020. 1. Trip to Myanmar. 2. Trip to USA in the summer to visit friends and supporting Churches. 3. To attend the Christian Convention in India. (I walked six days in and six days out in 2015). Please pray for God’s guidance and blessing to make all the trips possible and being blessing to the expanding of God’s Kingdom.
In Christ, Ahtapa Sinlee
(Scroll down for seven pictures)
If you would like to help financially, checks may be made payable to: Bushnell Christian Church. Please add a note if your gift is designated for a special purpose. Mail your gift to Ahtapa’s forwarding agents:
John & Joann Simmons
927 S. Garfield St.
Macomb, IL 61455
Attn: Ahtapa